Friday, December 9, 2022

Examples of use of our assets in Unreal


Example of illumination in Unreal 5.0

Example of a personal project of a user


Silver Slaves (Interactive Trailer)








Thursday, November 18, 2021

Examples of use of our assets in Unity 3d

Pelican Hit and Fly


 PrePaladin Wars

Project Vani Gameplay

Nick Bounty and the dame with the blue chewed shoe

The Mighty Eye

Candy Coaster


Prehistoric Domain



Picture based in a Griffin 3d model animated made by RKN Arts












Sunday, October 14, 2018

Video Games That Raise Awareness To Save The Planet

It is a fact that the best scientist around the world are more and more worried about global warming and despite the denial of some governments the global warming is real and it is a fact.

The only hope to change this trend is changing the global consciousness, hopefully the global consciousness really change this trend changing this global (industry) system and avoid this disastrous destiny for the humanity.

The Video Games can help to change this global consciousness. here is some examples

And here are another interesting video how avoid the climate change.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Fleeing spaceship

Here I show you the result of an exercice from 3ds max, in the final video I have added sound, I hope you like as much as I had fun doing it.